Curator’s Chat: Harlan Hubbard Studio and Nature Preserve
Kentucky artist and author Harlan Hubbard first developed his skills and philosophy of living closely with nature in a home, which he built in 1923 for his mother, and an art studio, which he built in 1938, in Fort Thomas, KY. Join BCM Curator of Collections Jason French as he visits the home and restored art studio of the man known to many as the "Thoreau of Kentucky."
Landmark Trees in Fort Thomas
an Audiobook by Katie Mills and Kaylee Mills
Katie Mills
I grew up in Fort Thomas and attended Highlands. I have very fond memories of my dad, Bill Thomas, and his love for this town and the woods. While I was in elementary school, he made the Landmark Tree Trail in Tower Park. We were always exploring the woods and measuring trees together. He instilled the love of our planet in me. I followed in his footsteps and attended Transylvania University and then Georgetown College for my Masters. I now reside in Fort Thomas with my husband, Collier, and three children: Kaylee age 12, Collier age 10, and Mac age 3. We spend our time at our kids' sports games and enjoy family movie nights, and love to hike through the many trails in our parks here in Fort Thomas.
Kaylee Mills
Kaylee is in 7th grade at HMS and enjoys spending time with her friends and competing in soccer and basketball. She doesn't like to clean her room. 🙂